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Here are 20 technology experts you should be following on Twitter.

Twitter is the newest social media trend and has grown exponentially in popularity in recent months. Twitter is an excellent source to find up to the minute updates about technology and gadgets. In gathering the list of the Top 20 Technology Experts on Twitter, much was thought about and analyzed to find the very best tech savvy Twitterers. The fame, fortune, and popularity was not taken into account when compiling the list. Rather, those with the most knowledge and useful information, including links, videos, tips, inside news, and opinions, made our cut. Follow these experts to stay on top of your technology game!

1. Michael Arrington @TechCrunch

With multiple tweets a day, all linking to breaking news in the technology world, Michael Arrington makes the top of our list. As the co-founder and editor of TechCrunch, a popular blog that covers technology start-ups, he updates regularly and knows what information the tech savvy are looking for.

2. Chris Pirillo @chrispirillo

A tech expert for one of the leading news sources in the world, Chris Pirillo combines tech news for a wide audience. He frequently updates with news, as well as his personal quirks and opinions.

3. Cali Lewis @CaliLewis

A gadget go-to girl, Cali Lewis turns to Twitter and her followers not only to offer advice, but to receive advice and help from them as well.

4. Leo Laporte @leolaporte

Updating with news and personal comments, Leo Laporte has the mind of a genius, though rather opinionated. He puts his own spin on tweets to deliver his opinion about technology news and developing trends.

5. Mac Rumors Live @macrumors

Miss an Apple event? No worries. Apple tweets new information every few minutes from all their events, most recently the WWDC Keynote coverage.

6. Pete Cashmore @mashable

Updating every hour or so, Pete Cashmore is the go-to guy for Twitter, social media, and any tech news. He tweets any and all information to his followers regarding trends for social media, as well as expert advice and various gadgets for his speciality, Twitter.

7. Jeremiah Owyang @owyang

Jeremiah is a great starting point for novice Twitter users. He is knowledgeable in interpersonal communication especially within social media and technology.

8. Veronica Belmont @Veronica

Veronica is a technology and gaming video host. A self-proclaimed “avid gamer and social media junkie,” Veronica provides her followers with fascinating news articles.

9. MacRumors Feed @MacRumorsRSS

For the latest Apple and Mac News, check out this Twitter site. Updated frequently, find out the gossip and new releases about Apple products.

10. Ryan Block @ryanblock

With a sharp eye for new and future technology, Ryan Block is critical about technology. He analyzes new trends and upcoming gadgets which he frequently tweets about, as well as various happenings around his content start-up, @gdgt.

11. Guardian Tech @guardiantech

This UK team knows the ins and outs of technology around the world. With updates about technology news and breakthroughs, Guardian Tech knows it all.

12. Engadget @engadget

With frequent tweets about the latest technology news and rumors, Engadget keeps Twitterers updated about gadgets. Here you’ll find what is popular, new, and tossed to the curb.

13. Harry McCracken @harrymccracken

This former PC World editor tweets about the latest news in the technology world. With tech updates and polls, Harry McCracken is a great go-to source for news and opinions.

14. Padmasree Warrior @Padmasree

A high exec on Twitter, Padmasree discusses how technology continues to revolutionize our world. Her links provide insight to today’s world, as well as her personal world.

15. Jason Snell @jsnell

Jason Snell provides insight and honest opinions about the Apple world. With vast knowledge of various Apple products, Jason keeps in contact with those who reply to him.

16. Lance Ulanoff @LanceUlanoff

Lance Ulanoff is one of the best in the business when it comes to technology on Twitter. As Editor-in-Chief for, Lance keeps his tweets serious about news but adds in humor and his hilarious personality.

17. Google News Tech @googtech

This list would not be complete without technology news from Google. Updating frequently, Google News Tech discusses updates and news for technology.

18. Rob Enderle @Enderle

A critic analyzing technology in our world today, Rob Enderle gives honest opinions regarding the direction of technology in our world.

19. Charlene Li @charleneli

With a broad knowledge of the tech world, Charlene Li is an expert at digital strategy. She provides insights to technology, social media, and the influence of technology on our lives.

20. Rafe Needleman @Rafe

A know-it-all for general knowledge web applications, Rafe Needleman scours the Internet for new technology updates. He turns to Twitter and his blog to review the new websites and applications.

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