Small Business BlogABC Small Business Blog - News, reviews, and opinions from ABC's editors


Wellness at Work

Companies that have implemented a wellness program for their employees have enjoyed many benefits beyond healthier workers. In fact, it has proven to be a real tonic for their bottom lines. Learn how wellness worked for them and how it can work for you and your company, too.

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Charles M Cooper
Charles M Cooper

When Gas Consumption Drops…Raise the Gas Tax!

Right on the heels of the good news that oil prices were going down, the U.S. Congress has come up with a way to rain on the parade: Raising the Federal Fuel Tax. Sure, we need money for roads and bridges, but there has to be a better way than that, isn't there?

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Dave Cosper
Dave Cosper

Driving Sales through Web Content

If you run a small business, there is a good chance that you have something important to say to your buyers. Whether it's about your products or services, best practices, or even shopping tips, there are opportunities on the Web to not only help your customers make better buying decisions but also for you to earn additional credibility that could directly lead to future sales.

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Charles M Cooper
Charles M Cooper

Ransomware: Paying for Your Own Files

What if your files were being held for ransom right on your own hard drive? It happens! They call it ransomware, a virus that encrypts your files so you have to pay the hacker who sent it to you for the key. We have moved from annoyance, to theft and now to extortion, but you can protect yourself. Here's how.

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Charles M Cooper
Charles M Cooper

Getting Your Money's Worth from the Government

Consider the way our government behaves and you have to ask yourself if you are truly getting a good return on all the money, time and energy you lavish upon the federal, state and local governments that are becoming increasingly involved in our lives. Today is a great day to ask that since it is Cost of Government Day. I have offered my answer, see if you agree!

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Lauren Calomino
Lauren Calomino

Sales Tax: How Will it Affect You and Your Business?

With most prices on the rise, many people are probably thinking, how can it get any worse? Well it can. In Illinois, on July 1, 2008 Cook County's sales tax has gone up to 10.25 percent which is now the highest of any major city in the country. With our struggling economy, no county in the United States is safe from increasing prices including sales tax.

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Charles M Cooper
Charles M Cooper

Robbery and Small Business: How You Can Prepare

Small businesses are the victims of robbery every day. Learn what you can do to lower your risk and increase the safety of your employees.

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Charles M Cooper
Charles M Cooper

SBA Partnership with the U.S. Navy Spells Opportunity for Small Business

The Small Business Administration and the U.S. Department of the Navy have signed an Agreement to improve federal contracting opportunities for small businesses participating in the SBA's 8(a) Business Development program. Learn what this could mean to you and how to take advantage of the opportunities that arise from supplying our Navy and Marine Corps.

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Dave Cosper
Dave Cosper

12 of the Best Small Business eNewsletters on the Web

Why spend hours digging the Web just to stay up-to-date when you can have the critical information you need to run your business delivered directly to your inbox through RSS feeds or some of the many e-newsletters out there? Most e-newsletters are offered through free subscriptions, but don't get too carried away as managing your inbox could quickly become a thirty minute daily chore.

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Charles M Cooper
Charles M Cooper

Religion in the Workplace

A recent survey by the Institute for Corporate Productivity has shown that religious strife in the workplace is a real problem. The problem is, what can you, the business owner, do to quell this trouble before it harms your business without running afoul of antidiscrimination laws? Here are some ideas.

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Charles M Cooper
Charles M Cooper

Problem Customers, What Can You Do?

Fire them! That seems to be a growing trend in business. Sometimes, keeping a customer happy is more expensive than losing their business, or they are more problematic than they are worth. Is that how you do business? You might have to consider it, so here are some things to think about.

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Charles M Cooper
Charles M Cooper

Brand Alchemy: Turning Lead into Gold

Brand is identity, whether you are a small printing business or Spider-Man. Marvel Studios and others who make superhero movies have rediscovered that their brand is everything--and it shows. See how the lessons they learned can help your super business.

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Charles M Cooper
Charles M Cooper

Business Liability and You: Things You Should Know

With millions of lawsuits being filed each year, liability insurance is more important than ever. Learn what you need to know to protect yourself and your business today and in the future.

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Charles M Cooper
Charles M Cooper

Yes, Virginia, There is a Job Fairy…and she’s a Gazelle!

A surprisingly small number of nimble, highly efficient firms--less than 4% of the businesses out there--are responsible for most of the jobs created in the U.S. economy. Who are they? How do they differ from other companies and how does your company stack up?

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Charles M Cooper
Charles M Cooper

Buy-Sell Agreements: Continuity at the Top

Life, as the commercial tells us, comes at you hard. How are you and your partners going to ensure the continuity of your business if something should happen to one of you? A Buy-Sell Agreement can take care of that and more.

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