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Articles related to: benefits

Cheryl Sowa
Cheryl Sowa

Small Biz Tip: Training: Hands On

The Small Business tips today discuss hands-on training and its benefits.

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Charles M Cooper
Charles M Cooper

Perks to Replace Raises and Bonuses

With everyone on Main Street trying to cut costs to the bone, the first things to go are usually raises and bonuses. The question is, what do you replace these financial incentives with? Here are some ideas.

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Kim Fenolio
Kim Fenolio

Small Biz Tip: Twitter Marketing : Small Business Benefits

4 reasons why Twitter works for small business. These Small Business tips will demonstrate how Twitter can benefit small business.

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Charles M Cooper
Charles M Cooper

Small Business Benefits in the Stimulus Plan

There is not much for small business in the recently signed stimulus package. Less than 1% of the spending is, in fact, directed to the needs of small businesses. That said, if you dig deep enough, search hard enough, there are a few things that might just help.

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Charles M Cooper
Charles M Cooper

Mandatory Paid Sick Days

Running a business is already expensive, but if mandatory paid sick-time advocates get their way, the cost of doing business will go up and many small businesses won't be able to cope.

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