Learn Something New With These Fun Facts

This issue, we’ve collected some of the most amusing—and often useful—business stories from around the globe. Which is which? You decide!

Yes, coffee can be an effective on-the-job tool according to a recent Time Magazine article. Specifically, caffeine in beverages not only boosts your mental performance, but also allows you to be more alert, making you more focused and sharpening your short-term memory. So treat your employees to a coffee or a Coke. Cheers.

Roy L. Pearson, a judge in Washington, D.C., filed a $54 million lawsuit against a custom cleaners which he said violated consumer protection laws when they lost his pants. Pearson claimed a “satisfaction guaranteed” sign deceived consumers who, like him, were dissatisfied with their experience. The two-day trial concluded with a ruling in favor of the cleaners. Pheww!

The results are in. A 25-year study on the effects of napping at work were published this past June. Researchers at the MW Institute for Chronobiology announced a clear outcome: For 92.5% of workers, an afternoon nap increased their productivity, creativity, and problem-solving skills on the job. Does this mean that cots will eventually replace office chairs?

Gas prices change with the wind and may vary by as much as 20 percent within just a few blocks. If you’re hunting for the cheapest gas in your area, be sure to check out GasBuddy.com. Consumers post recent low and high gasoline prices on an easy-to-navigate online forum. Of course, you could always trade in your Hummer for a Kia.

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